Building Classifiers: Part 1 – The Framework

    For this three-post series, I designed, built, and evaluated a specialized active learning...

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    Four Ways to Get to Documents: Part 2 - Document Folders

    A key function of any eDiscovery platform is to let you quickly and easily get to documents you...

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    Four Ways to Get to Documents: Part 1 – Work Folders

    A key function of any eDiscovery platform is to let you quickly and easily get to the documents...

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    AI-Driven Batches

    Today’s post is about AI-Driven Batches, a document-batching technology introduced with Reveal 11...

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    What are AI Tags?

    AI Tags are one of the workhorses of the Reveal platform. AI Tags train AI Models, and AI Models...

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    Small Changes, Big Difference – Part 2

    We made too many enhancements in the 11.5 release for me to cover in one post, so today I’ll pick...

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    Technical Competence, the eDiscovery Edition

    As lawyers, we are expected to be technically competent – something I’ll call “general technical...

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