
    eDiscovery Leaders Live: Emma Young of Sky Discovery

    George Socha
    George Socha

    eDiscovery Leaders Live: Emma Young of Sky Discovery



    Emma Young, Head of Consulting Delivery at Sky Discovery, joins George Socha, Senior Vice President of Brand Awareness at Reveal, for ACEDS #eDiscoveryLeadersLive.

    Emma Young is Head of Consulting Delivery at Sky Discovery, an eDiscovery service provider with offices across Australia and in the UK, and is the president of the ACEDS ANZ (Australia and New Zealand) chapter. Emma’s 20+ year eDiscovery career served at law firms and service providers has spanned both Australia and the UK. That, combined with her global responsibility for eDiscovery service delivery at Sky Discovery, has given her firsthand experience managing eDiscovery matters in numerous jurisdictions.

    Emma discussed differences between eDiscovery in Australia and the UK, her role at Sky Discovery, and the creation and ongoing expansion of the ACEDS ANZ chapter.


    Key Highlights

      • [1:12] Introducing Emma.
      • [2:12] How Emma got involved in eDiscovery.
      • [5:45] Moving from Australia to the UK and back again.
      • [7:19] The reasons for launching ACEDS’s ANZ chapter.
      • [10:52] Building a chapter by about for Australia and New Zealand.
      • [14:03] What they are doing to put the chapter together.
      • [15:38] Benefits to memberships – and the importance of inclusivity.
      • [17:34] Comparing experiences at law firms and at vendors.
      • [18:45] Her role and the role of her team at Sky Discovery.
      • [19:26] Back to inclusivity and the difference in how providers and law firms often are treated at educational events.
      • [21:31] How to join the ACEDS ANZ chapter.
      • [23:05] How the chapter has been received.
      • [24:32] Other eDiscovery educational and community resources in Australia.
      • [25:49] Using the ACEDS ANZ chapter and similar efforts to raise the profile of eDiscovery professionals.
      • [27:49] The next thing coming with the ACEDS ANZ chapter.

    Key Quotes 

    • “I think eDiscovery’s eDiscovery when it comes down to the core of what it is. It’s large rooms of documents, searches, the databases might be different, legal issues or the legal process might be different, but it was pretty easy to get up to speed [moving from Australia to the UK].”
    • “What’s important about the ACEDS ANZ chapter is that we bring regional-specific content…. The people in our region have really appreciated having something on their time zone designed for them…. It’s really helpful to have people who’ve practiced and work and live in Australia talk about their experiences, the differences.”
    • “I think the inclusivity [of groups like the ACEDS ANZ chapter] for me is the most important thing.”
    • “My role, and the role of my team in my organization, is to be that in house eDiscovery function for law firms that strategically choose not to have an eDiscovery function. Usually it’s because they are small, mid-tier, and they’ve made the decision not to invest in a technology, a person, or a team in house.”
    • “I want to raise the profile of eDiscovery professionals within our industry. We’re not just people who get instructions and press buttons in a certain order. We’re not just technologists. The profession and the experience and the knowledge and confidence that it takes to be a really good eDiscovery professional – we really should be treated as experts.”

    Connect with Emma