eDiscovery Insights & Resources | Reveal Blog

The Technocat Reveals All

Written by Cat Casey | Jun 10, 2021 10:08:24 PM

What drove my change from Chief Innovation Officer to Chief Growth Officer?

Unless you were living under a rock, happened to be on vacation or perhaps did not have a chance to log onto LinkedIn last week, you probably have already heard through the grapevine about my big news as the new Chief Growth Officer for Reveal. And if this is news to you, surprise! While the move itself made a pretty big splash on the legal tech circuit, a few people asked me candidly, “why the heck would you move?” So, I figured what better way to address that burning question than with my inaugural Reveal TechnoCat blog!

Why on earth did you move?

While I am sure that people are hoping for juicy gossip, the reality is that I had an amazing run with the great DISCO team and was able to build eDiscoveryCat and The TechnoCat while at the same time guiding the company into a revolutionary thought leadership powerhouse. I had carte blanche to post TikTok Disco dancing, rant about all things tech and speak to legal eagles around the globe. As an individual expert and thought leader, it was a match made in ediscovery heaven, but in what will come as a surprise to literally no one, I wanted more!

When I started speaking with Reveal CEO, Wendell Jisa, he had a clear vision of the rocket ship he was building with Reveal and how I could help him build it and the team that helps power it. As a young(ish) woman in legal technology, the appeal of building a team and having a seat at the leadership table with an emerging force in legal technology was too enticing to pass up. In this new role I get to be more than just myself. I now have the opportunity to work towards building the people and the solutions that will power this lightning in a bottle… and so I said sign me up!

What the heck is a Chief Growth Officer

The second most asked question after why I made the move was “what on earth is a Chief Growth Officer?” This relatively new kid on the c-suite block weaves together multiple threads that contribute to an organizations’ growth. More than just marketing, this role incorporates aspects of strategy, thought leadership, customer engagement, sales and more to contribute to elevating the brand and organization. As opposed to a pure Chief Marketing Officer Role, this new type of position is all about breaking down silos, collaborating across categories, and driving focus and speed to ultimately build an amazing organization.

Why swap Innovation for Growth

While I will not argue that the Chief Innovation Officer title is a darn sexy one, it stopped short of really encapsulating what I bring to the table, how I have helped my past employer and what I will do at Reveal. The CINO role is about elevating the product, while the CGO role is about holistically elevating the organization’s, voice, solutions and clients in a more all-encompassing way. I anticipate that in the coming months we will see more than a few new CGO’s in the legal tech sphere and more broadly across industries.

Why did Reveal give you FOMO

While people were curious about why I moved now and what the heck my new title meant. I was floored by the number of people who texted, emailed and commented on Linkedin that they “knew I had to be going to Reveal!” The simple truth is that for the last year the company has been making all the right moves! From bringing on fellow thought leader and the founder of EDRM, George Socha, to the industry shaking one-two punch of NexLp and Brainspace joining the Reveal ecosystem in only a matter of months, Reveal has been on a tear!

As I shared with the leading ladies of the EDRM, Kayley Walstad and Mary Mack, it was not just the velocity of the big splashes that caught my eye. The ecosystem the company has built offers something unique in the market, something desperately wanted when I was running the eDiscovery program for Gibson Dunn just a few years ago: the freedom to choose my own eDiscovery adventure. Because they have built out a powerful ecosystem that bridges next-gen technology and legacy technology, advanced AI and data visualization, being in the Cloud and on-premise, the Reveal ecosystem truly lets eDiscovery professionals and service providers build the eDiscovery solution that works for them.

By taking the friction away from the all-or-nothing that the market used to face, Reveal has created a way for legal practitioners to build a bridge from now to next and to support their organizations and clients in the way that they want to be supported without giving up the most powerful analytics in the process.

And that freedom is POWERFUL!

Technocat + Reveal = legal tech to the moon

So, what does the future hold for this crazy, nearly perfect, eDiscovery match made in heaven? Well, let’s just say that the splash from this announcement will be nothing in comparison to all the big splashes to come. You can still expect amazing, cheeky, educational content, webinars and in person speaking engagements, but also some new and exciting ways to connect that are still up my sleeve…

As always, stay tuned to avoid having your own case of FOMO!