
Centering the Human Through Powerful Documentation

George Socha
George Socha

Centering the Human Through Powerful Documentation

How often in the midst of using a software platform do you run into a challenge that draws you up short?

You might encounter a word or term you don’t understand, and until you know what it means you are not comfortable moving forward. You might come up against a concept that makes no sense to you. You might want to take an action but either you don’t remember how to do it or you never learned what to do in the first place.

For me, those moments seem to happen all too often at the least convenient moment. I might run into a problem at two a.m. and for six more hours there’s no one I can call for help. I might be facing a tight deadline and the last thing I want to do is what a read a ten-page article, watch a twenty-minute video, or go through a two-hour certification course. I need the answer now.

For those moments – and for any time you want to learn more about our platform and products – we have created and regularly update help sections our website. The sections are open; anyone can go to them. They are available whenever you need them – at noon, at midnight, at any point in between. They are designed to give you ready access to everything from quick answers to detailed explanations.

Getting There

Getting to Reveal’s help sections is simple. You can get to help from the Reveal website, as well as from any Reveal product.

Navigating to Reveal's User Documentation

If you are on the Reveal website,, you can easily navigate to Reveal’s User Documentation section which gives you access to Reveal Knowledgebases as well as additional resources. From the menu at the top of any page on the website select Support and then from the dropdown menu select Documentation.

Navigating to Reveal Knowledgebases

If you are in a Reveal product, you also have easy access to the product’s Reveal Knowledgebase. If you are in Reveal 11, for example, go to the top right corner of the application select the help icon (a question mark in a circle), and a new window will open with the Reveal 11 Knowledgebase.


Reveal’s User Documentation

Reveal’s User Documentation page serves as a hub for our Knowledgebases and Additional Resources.

Each Reveal Knowledgebase starts with a search bar that lets you perform simple searches of the Knowledgebase’s content. Knowledgebases also have links to product-specific articles, user guides, admin guides, release notes, and additional reference materials.

From the Additional Resources portion of the page, you can navigation to our Additional Resources page. That page contains links to Getting Started Guides, Quick Reference Cards, and Feature Tutorials.

The Additional Resources portion of the User Documentation page also can take you to Reveal’s Training and Certification page, where you can learn more about Reveal’s on-demand, self-paced product training platform, Brainwave, and our membership program, Reveal Academy, as well access online training.


Reveal Knowledgebases

The User Documentation page has links to the Knowledgebases for Reveal’s four sets of products:

  • Reveal 11: user documentation for Reveal 11 including review, analytics, and production
  • Reveal 10: user documentation for Reveal Review and Reveal AI for versions 10 and older
  • Brainspace: User documentation for the Brainspace standalone platform
  • Processing: user documentation for Reveal Processing

Reveal 11 Knowledgebase

Search Bar

At the top of the Reveal 11 Knowledgebase (and each of the other Knowledgebases) is a search bar you can use to search the content of the Knowledgebase.

Here, I entered a simple search, AI, and got back a set of results. I could click on any of those results to go to the corresponding page in the Knowledgebase.


The bulk of the Reveal 11 Knowledge base is devoted to sets of articles about the product. These sets include:




Getting Started

Articles for people who are new to Reveal

“Getting Started with Reveal 11”

“Common Terminology”

Company Administration

Action and Feature articles on how to create and manage projects.

“How to Create a Company” (Action)

“System Configuration & Other Settings” (Feature)

Project Administration

Action and Feature articles on how to specify project settings

“How to Compute Scores for Emotional Intelligence” (Action)

“Reveal 11 Field Mapping Matrix” (Feature)

Searching and Filtering

Action and Feature articles on how to search and filter data

“How to Use Advanced Search” (Action)

“Reveal Query Language Basics” (Feature)

Data Visualizations

Feature articles on interactive data visualizations


“Brain Explorer”

AI Review Enhancers

Action and Feature articles on bulk actions that normalize data for search

“How to Translate (Translation)” (Action)

“Transcription – Supported File Types” (Feature)

Document Review

Action and Feature articles on document review and coding features

“How To Create a Sample Document Set” (Action)

“Tagging Propagation” (Feature)

Supervised Learning

Action and Feature articles on active learning, classifiers, and AI models

“How to Create an AI Model” (Action)

“Supervised Learning Concepts” (Feature)

Production & Export

Action and Feature articles on how to create document productions and exports

“How to Create a Production Set” (Action)

“Jobs Management” (Feature)


Articles on Review-related reports

“Tagging Reports”

“Reviewer Reports”


Articles on standard Reveal 11 workflows

“Rapid Pilot Case setup”

“AI Model Building Workflow”

Product FAQs

Common questions and answers about the initial release of Reveal 11



Action articles with tips for troubleshooting specific functions

“How to Troubleshoot Connectors”

“How to Troubleshoot Data Export”

Installation & Maintenance

Feature articles on requirements, steps, quality control, and upgrades

“Hardware & Software Requirements”

“Access Control – SSO & Two Factor Authentication”

Release Notes

List of enhancements and bug fixes for each product release

“Reveal 11.4 Release Notes”

“Reveal 11.3.5 Patch Release Notes”

Known Issues

List of known issues for the Reveal 11 platform


Reveal 10, Processing, and Brainspace Knowledgebases

The Reveal 10, Processing, and Brainspace Knowledgebases have a different structure from the Reveal 11 Knowledgebase.

Each of these Knowledgebases contains links to four sets of materials: User Guides, Admin Guides, Release Notes, and Reference materials.

Reveal 10 Knowledgebase

The Reveal 10 Knowledgebase has two main sections, Reveal Review and Reveal AI, each with user guide, admin guide, release notes, and reference links. Below each section are links to featured content from that section.

From here you can go, for example, to the Reveal 10 User Guide. Once there, you can perform a search, scroll the navigational menu on the left, or click on a section to read its content.


Processing and Brainspace Knowledgebases

The Reveal Processing Knowledgebase and the Brainspace Knowledgebase each have four main sections – User Guide, Admin Guide, Release Notes, and Reference – and below those, links to featured content.

In the Reveal Processing Knowledgebase, you might opt to click on a link to one of the sets of Reference materials.


Here, I clicked in the Australian Number Protocol link, which took me to the corresponding page.

From the Brainspace Knowledgebase, you might choose to navigate to a User Guide.

Here, I went to the Concept Search User Guide.

Additional Resources

The User Documentation page also gives quick access to four sets of Additional Resources:

  • Getting Started: Getting Started Guides that quickly get you up to speed on the basic features and functionality of each platform
  • Quick Reference: Quick Reference Cards designed to help you easily navigate the user experience of each platform
  • How To Videos: 1-to-2-minute non-audio demonstration videos of Brainspace and Reveal key features
  • Training: Our online, on-demand product training and certification program designed to let you get trained while working around your busy schedule

Clicking on the Getting Started, Quick Reference, or How to Videos icons takes you to the Additional Resources page which contains links to those materials.

I might go to a Getting Started Guide, such as the one for Reveal 10 Reveal.

I might go to a Quick Reference Card, such as the one for Review - Document Grid Interface.

I could go to a short video that explains in feature in the platform, such as the Create AI Tags Feature Tutorial.

Finally, I could navigate from the Additional Resources page to the Training & Certification page, which contains information about:

  • Reveal’s online training with both certification and non-certification courses;
  • Reveal Academy, a new membership program that rewards and recognizes professionals who earn multiple Reveal-Brainspace user certifications; and
  • A section with Certification FAQs.


Try It Out and Learn More

What I showed today just touches on the extensive documentation Reveal provides to support the use of its product.

For more information about how Reveal can help you make most effective use of our platform, contact us for a demo.